Poetry Books:

Daffod*ls, Pamenar press Winter 2023
G (Cowritten with Klara Du Plessis), Palimpsest Press Fall 2023
WJD in a double volume with The OceanDweller (Translation, original work by Saeed Tavanaee), Forthcoming with Gordon Hill Press, Fall 2022
Me, You, Then Snow, Gordon Hill Press, Spring 2021



Elegy for Sly, BLOCKPARTY, Fall 2023
Death Toll (Translation, Original work by Nima Yushij), Gap Riot Press, 2022
Unbecoming Prophecy (co-written with Roxanna Bennett), Collusion Books, 2022
The Divine Bergamot (Ghazal Translation Anthology), Anstruther, 2021
The OceandWeller (Translation. Original work by Saeed Tavanaee)
, Above/ground, 2021
Solitude is an Acrobatic act
. Above/ground, 2020.
Dear Kestrel. Knife | fork | book, 2019.
Moe’s Skin, ZED PRESS, 2018

Publications Online:

The Poem I forgot”, Curated for Glyphoria by Ali Pinkney, Metatron, 2023
Language Systems”, Curated for Glyphoria by Klara Du Plessis, Metatron, 2023
From Andarzname”, Translated from the Persian, Original by Ghazal Mosadeq, Asymptote, 2023
ScornChaudelaire Books Blog, 2023
Zemm/ZemmeThe Ex-Purian, 2023
The Political and The Politicized: Deterritorialization in Canadian Poetry”, The Ex-Puritan, 2023
Day By Day” (Translation from Persian, Original by Saeed Tavanaee Marvi) Words WIthout Borders, 2023
Four Poems from The Psychotic NotebooksThe Ex-Puritan, 2023
Dispatches from a Harmonious ArmageddonPlenitude Magazine, 2022
Writing From Within: The Language Of Psychosis & Irreverent Narrators With Khashayar Mohammadi”, Ode and Psyche Podcast, 2022
”Tower of Silence: The Birds” & “Tower of Silence: The Cadavers” Sprawl Mag, 2022
The Open Tome” (Translation from Persian, Original work by Saeed Tavanaee Marvi), Asymptote, 2022
Excerpts from “I feel a Universe breathing inside me” (Translation from Persian, Original work by Shahin Sadeghzadeh), Asymptote, 2022
Serenading the absolute for a good night’s sleepMatter, 2022

Poetry Publication in Print:

“Eternal Lustre”, Filling Station, 2023
”Psychotic Notebook 8” and “Psychotic Notebook 20” The Malahat Review, 2023
”Autobiography”, “Dramatis Personae” and “Muse-hand Tickel” Iterant magazine, 2023
”My Mother Hands Me Landscapes” and “The Psychedelia of Discovery” Prism international, 2023
”My City the City”, Vallum contemporary poetry, 2022
“WJD: A Phenomenology” and “A Thompsonian Ghazal for Zarathustra”, The Fiddlehead, 2022
”Two centuries of Silence” Filling Station, 2021
“The Body in Three Utterances” Capilano Review, 2021
“Point-Based Queers” and “Magna Cum Laude” Queer Toronto Magazine, 2021
“Chashm” Untethered Magazine, 2020
“A Djineology of Rumi” Festival of Literary Diversity, 2020
“Bergman’s Persona” , “Bergman’s Through a Glass Darkly”, “Carpenter’s In The Mouth of Madness” Touch The Donkey, 2020
“Teenage Hymn” Poetry Is Dead , 2018

Poetry Reviews in Print:

“The Expanse of Silence: A review of Ayaz Pirani’s How Beautiful People Are and Prathna Lor’s Emanations” Arc Poetry Magazine, 2022
“The Corporeal Tongue: A review of Hell Light Flesh by Klara Du Plessis” Capilano review 2020
“Noor Naga’s Washes PraysArc Poetry Magazine 2020
“Tom Prime and Gary Barwin’s A Cemetery for HolesArc Poetry Magazine 2020